Traditional development versus flexible development

Approach to the investor

Flexible development Traditional development

Individual approach to the investor

An individual approach offers co-operation in accordance with an investor's requirements, his degree of involvement and orientation in development and construction products, not in accordance with the developer's structure and needs. For each order STARCON establishes a working party composed precisely according to the character of the order and the investor's needs.

Efficient combination of services

Flexible development offers a combination of project management, cost management and construction management services made to measure for a client and a specific project.

Universal methods

Conventional methods of project management, cost & construction management logically lead to conventional results.

The developer's role

Flexible development Traditional development
Eliminating some unnecessary intermediary elements, such as a general contractor for a project means that the developer has to play an active role in project and construction management. The developer transfers a large part of its responsibilities to the general contractor. By doing this it often waives the chance of efficiently influencing important processes in the management of the whole project, in particular as far as the quality and the price are concerned.

Selection of contractors

Flexible development Traditional development

Involvement of global leaders

It is not often that implementation companies have the best technical know-how for individual solutions. Such trends are set by the largest global producers of technology and material. Only actively involving the best global producers of construction materials and systems in project preparations can lead to the best possible quality in a construction project. Co-operation with leading producers is also used to select the best implementation companies and specialists for various subcontracting jobs.

Unsystematic solutions

The selection of implementation companies based on their links with a general contractor and its large subcontractors, not in accordance with the specific terms and conditions and technical solutions, leads to compromises and unsystematic technical solutions. A system of price-oriented construction tenders through a number of intermediaries often leads to the application of poorer quality materials and unsystematic solutions.

Getting rid of corruption

Flexible development does not tolerate a commission system between designers and material producers that leads to the use of unsystematic solutions and elements that are not the best technical solution.

Commission systems

This is made worse by links between implementation and design companies and producers of construction materials through various commission systems that often lead to the use of less suitable technical solutions.


Flexible development Traditional development

Good price, absolute quality

The efficient re-distribution of the degree of risk and profit between the various entities involved in a project and the removal of unnecessary intermediary elements leads to savings in costs and time, and ensures the long term satisfaction of all involved in the project.

Ordinary price and quality

The average standard of buildings is still limping behind the technical and technological capabilities of the construction industry. High quality should not be a synonym for an above-standard building for above-standard prices.

Completion date

Flexibe development Traditonal development

Faster construction

By re-assessing the traditional links between an investor, developer, contractors and subcontractors, and re-setting them flexibly, Flexible Development achieves marked reductions in ordinary construction deadlines.

More expensive and longer

A number of unnecessary elements in the process and clumsy communication logically lead to greater costs and longer construction periods.

Changes during construction

Flexible development Traditional development

A more flexible system

Efficient communications between various entities in a project significantly facilitate solutions for changes to a project and requests made by an investor during construction work. Changes that would usually lead to marked delays in completion or significant increases in the budget can be implemented without delays or budgetary changes thanks to flexible development and communication.


The ways for a conventional developer to react to changes in an investor's requirements during a project are very limited. The traditional links between the entities involved in the implementation of a project prevent flexible reactions, make them excessively expensive or put the completion date back.